Green Track for At-Risk West Philadelphia Youth
The Edgar Campbell Foundation, located in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has asked the Center for Peace and Youth to develop programming to be offered from the Foundation’ new center. The center is expected to open in September. Programming will include a modified form of the CANEI program coupled with training for a 21st century green economy that includes energy efficiency, clean energy generation, urban agriculture and culinary arts.
Child Basiji Bludgeon Protesters
Roger Cohen of the Times writes from Tehran: “They are known mockingly as the “Joojeh Basiji” — the “chicken Basiji.” These are the militia scarcely old enough to manage more than a feeble beard. Teenagers, brainwashed from early childhood, they have been ferried into the capital in large numbers, given a club and a shield and a helmet and told to go to work…”
A new and tragic use of “child soldiers”. For the full article go here.